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Peace. Purpose. Potential.

Hurting and unsure how to heal?

Struggling to move forward in life?

Longing to reconnect with your true self?

Person-Centred Hypnotherapy could be your best next step.

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While it may not always feel that way, each of us is born to thrive.

Rogers and Maslow called it the “actualising tendency”: that drive within each of us to be everything we’re capable of being… to live a vibrant, fully-realised existence on our own terms.

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Why wait to flourish in life, career and relationships?

Sometimes, our actualising journey can feel strewn with obstacles. We may struggle to see the path ahead. When life hits hard, it can feel hard to cope.

There may be fear, anxiety, or depression. Past experiences we can’t quite move beyond. Unhelpful habits of thought and behaviour. Emotions that overwhelm us. Low self-esteem. Challenging relationship patterns. Ingrained beliefs that we know, deep down, aren’t even ours.

Sometimes there’s just a nagging sense that things aren’t right – a deep, existential uncertainty about who we are, what life means and what we truly need at any given moment.

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Feel better. Clarify your needs and values. Regain control of your life.

All these challenges can be overcome with patience, kindness and curiosity towards yourself. However, it can also help to work with a trained, empathetic and dedicated therapist who’s as focused on your healing as you are.

At YouFusion, I offer a friendly, non-judgemental, confidential approach to hypnotherapy that’s tailored to where you are now, and where you want to go. Sometimes the process takes a little time. Sometimes it’s remarkably quick. Becoming who you’re meant to be is a lifetime’s journey, and it’s my privilege to accompany you at whatever point you need me.

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Home - YouFusion Therapy