Online Therapy
Deciding if online therapy is right for you comes down to three key factors: what you like and feel comfortable with, the technical requirements involved, and some simple practical considerations around safety and confidentiality.
Below are some common Q&As about online therapy. If you have any other questions, please get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.
Yes. Clients and therapists report that a strong therapeutic relationship can develop naturally in an online setting, and there’s plenty of research to back this up (see the third tab).
I’ve also undertaken specific training in online therapy alongside my general psychotherapy and hypnotherapy training, so I can ensure your experience is both safe and effective.
A good internet connection, a computer with a camera and microphone, and the ability to download and use Zoom. You also need a safe, confidential space where you won’t be disturbed or overheard.
- Watts et al. (2020) discovered a potentially stronger therapeutic relationship in clients engaging in online CBT.
- Simpson et al. (2009) found that online clients felt ‘less self-conscious and intimidated’.
- Mitchell’s recent study (2020) found that online clients tend to ‘emerge with higher levels of hope.’
- McKenna and Bargh (2000) found that those who struggled with relationships may actually create stronger therapeutic relationships online.